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v0.6-references and related

references and related

This page provides example of references and related markup:

  • Generic References
  • Hyperlinks
  • Hyperlink References
  • Hyperlink Targets
  • Citations
  • Footnotes

generic references

The most common method reference with Sphinx is a "phrase-reference";
consider the example of this phrase being a link. Pphrase-reference links
can be on two lines or various lines.

Hyperlinks are handled automatically. We can create a link using with an
various protocols, such as, or even

Emails links can be formed as well using the mailto prefix such as or without the prefix (

hyperlink references

Hyperlink references are another method to form hyperlinks in a document. We
can create in-line links to your targets.
We can also link to pages anonymously; for example, using link a and
link b. The syntax choice is up to you.

hyperlink targets

Hyperlink target can be built. Clicking on this internal hyperlink (targeta)
with being us to an anchor above the following paragraph. We can also jump to
the lower paragraph with this internal hyperlink (targetb) or internal
hyperlink (targetc).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus leo nunc, commodo et risus ac, hendrerit aliquet est. Phasellus volutpat arcu at eros tempus, sed sodales eros vehicula. Fusce dictum eros augue, eget iaculis ligula sollicitudin nec. Sed dignissim quam leo, a imperdiet magna pharetra sed. In in viverra libero. Maecenas mattis maximus condimentum. Integer ornare mauris nec urna rutrum, eu iaculis augue molestie. Vivamus ultrices mattis quam id condimentum. Phasellus tellus lacus, gravida sed porttitor ut, sodales at risus. Phasellus mollis justo sed orci consectetur lacinia. Integer molestie lacinia risus, et iaculis justo tristique ac. Nullam luctus ante sapien, in tristique magna interdum ut. Vestibulum hendrerit tellus arcu, quis volutpat ligula auctor nec. Maecenas sit amet justo orci.

Integer blandit interdum erat, sed interdum sapien varius et. Maecenas at tortor quis velit mattis ultricies. Vivamus nisl leo, finibus ac tincidunt vitae, pharetra quis orci. Maecenas lobortis neque ipsum, quis ultricies velit auctor eu. Quisque pellentesque suscipit sodales. In sapien massa, tincidunt vel nisl id, sodales bibendum dui. Pellentesque consectetur a risus sed aliquam.


A page can have multiple citations [CIT2001|#cit2001], and it does not matter on the
order which they are used [CIT2002|#cit2002]. Wherever the citations are defined, a
Confluence table will be built [CIT2003|#cit2003].

CIT2001 This is an example citation.

CIT2002 It's true, a does not matter the order of citation's used, the respective citation point will be referenced.

CIT2003 Another citation example.


There are various types of footnote methods styles that can be applied. We
can reference the first footnote 1; and it show up as "1". We can
also refer to the footnote again 1 and it should again be seen as
"1". We can also use its label form, note or
custom note label, to refer to the footnote (i.e. as an internal
hyperlink reference).

1 This is the footnote labeled "note".

2 This is the footnote labeled "note".

You can also reference footnotes after the fact either explicitly 1 or
anonymously 2.

A standard way to use footnotes is in an incremental fashion. The first 3
and second 5 footnotes should be "3" and "5" (anonymous auto-numbered).
The next anonymous auto-numbered footnotes, 6 and 7, will actually be
"6" and "7". We can also manually override the footnote number 4 (a
value of "4").

4 This is footnote 4.

3 This is footnote 3.

5 This is footnote 5.

6 This is footnote 6.

7 This is footnote 7.