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reStructuredText defines a series of image-based directives.


The image directive can be used to add images into a document. Images from the local documentation directory can be used, as well as embedded images (via the data uri schema) or even externally referenced images. This extension takes advantage of image formatting capabilities in Confluence. This page should render an image floating in the top-right of the page. Adding a paragraph to help visualize the floating image element.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris in gravida dui, at finibus sem. Donec at convallis purus, quis pellentesque dolor. Praesent sollicitudin eleifend diam, nec iaculis ante semper eu. Cras luctus dolor malesuada, vulputate augue tristique, sodales dolor. Fusce vehicula ipsum urna, vel ultricies purus tristique non. Nunc placerat ipsum sit amet molestie efficitur. Etiam at euismod lectus. Mauris posuere tortor vitae arcu rhoncus, eu dapibus ipsum imperdiet. Donec libero metus, interdum quis pretium eu, mattis a magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque condimentum finibus elit, eu tincidunt urna faucibus ut. Phasellus vehicula aliquam dolor vel sodales.

Images are typically included inline as follows:

alternate text

Embedded images should be translated by Sphinx and this extension should handle these images as well. One of these five images is embedded and also one of these five images links to the section below:

The following is an example of an image found on an external server (with a link target):

pip VersionBuild StatusDocumentation Status


The figure directive can be used to add images with captures and legend data into a document.

Confluence Logo

This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).

The legend consists of all elements after the caption.

Another figure but with a centered image and centered caption:

Confluence Logo

This is the caption of the figure.

Another figure but with a right-aligned image:

Confluence Logo

This is the caption of the figure.